Our solar panels provide us with the energy needed for annual production.
We have reduced emissions into the atmosphere. Today the Planet of Ideas, thanks to the strength of courageous choices, is close to obtaining 0 CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
We select our suppliers with great care and with careful checks of their safety requirements, to which we add the strict production and control procedures to obtain products suitable for the game.
We try every day to create a safe, serene and stimulating work environment.
We periodically update the machinery, combining traditional working techniques and technological innovation.
The Planet of Ideas adopts the 4.0 production model
The Planet of Ideas has reduced over 70% of the plastic material used in production in 3 years. We plan to delete it permanently.
Since 2022 our company has been an active member of the FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council), a company certification which certifies that the wood used by the company to produce the products certified and sold FSC®, comes from certified and responsibly managed forests.
We manage our work and the material we use correctly and sustainably from an environmental, economic and social point of view.
We don’t have a planet B.
Our production seeks maximum harmony with the landscape that hosts us.
We respect the environment, minimizing the environmental impact of our company and embarking on a path that leads the Planet of Ideas towards a fully circular economy and the reduction of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere.
Since 2020, Il Pianeta delle Idee has contributed to the reforestation of the planet through targeted projects.

Below are all the certifications that make the products of the Pianeta delle Idee safe and reliable:
FSC® it is the largest chain of timber control in the world. It works to take care of forests and those who depend on them: protecting plant and animal species, the rights of indigenous peoples, the safety of forest workers and much more.
It is a company certification which certifies that the wood used by the company to produce the FSC® certified and sold products comes from certified and managed forests responsibly
With this brand, Il Pianeta delle Idee guarantees that each of its products is compliant in terms of safety, resistance, non-toxicity, health, etc. to the requirements indicated by the European Union in the directive 2009/48/CE on the safety of toys.
This standard provides for a series of product tests. All the elements of a product that could be critical for safety are checked and subjected to specific tests, from the raw material to the packaging, to ascertain that the product is suitable for the purpose. The tests concern the physical and mechanical properties of the elements used in the construction, taking into account their normal use and the usual behavior of children.
Compliance with this standard makes our products free from chemical elements potentially harmful to human health. This legislation includes control over 19 elements that could be included in the composition of the product. Il Pianeta delle idee extends this law, in addition to its internal production process, to the entire supply chain that contributes to the formation of its articles, periodically checking the regulatory regularity of its suppliers.
Il Pianeta delle Idee uses paints that comply with this standard. These are standards concerning materials that come or may come into contact with foodstuffs. We have decided to use this type of paint to further raise the safety standard of our products and offer a play experience to children and parents in total safety and serenity.
Eco contribution that our company undertakes to pay for the correct disposal of electrical and electronic equipment. Currently, most of WEEE is sent and disposed of in third world countries, very often not equipped for the purpose, where plastics, heavy metals and harmful gases contribute to the pollution of the soil and the surrounding environment. Il Pianeta delle Idee, despite having a small part of electrical objects, complies with this legislation and takes part in the challenge to be won to make our earth a more livable place.
It is a regulation that includes a series of environmental regularity checks to which a company must respond during its production activity. Being in compliance with the AUA means respecting emission limits, waste disposal, acoustics and everything that contributes to making the laboratory safe and non-impactful both internally and externally.