The Balance & Bridge from the Wood for Kids line is a tool with a thousand uses: it is both a rocking chair, a cradle for resting, reading and playing, a bridge to cross, under which to pass or hide. It can be a den, a cave, a castle or a useful tool for acquiring motor and balance skills.
It is suitable for preschool and school age children. It can be used from 12 months on by babies who have developed the necessary motor skills, autonomously following their inclination to move, erect position and balance.
With this tool the child is encouraged to have his own initiative, moving in a safe space within his reach.
It is handmade in Italy in our laboratory in Umbria.
0 Co2 in the atmosphere! The Balance & Bridge is biocompatible, because it is produced only with solar energy, non-toxic paints and certified wood.
Ergonomic and portable. While not a Montessori tool in the strict sense, it is designed in proportion to the size of the children and can be moved independently without the help of parents. Consistent with the teaching principles of the Pikler and Montessori pediatricians, the child will thus be able to organize his own play and learning space, gaining confidence in his own movements and abilities.
Robustness and lightness. We have created two arched structures that make the game rest on a solid surface, making it stable and safe. The Balance & Bridge demonstrates solidity while not exceeding 4 kilos in weight (while the slide weighs 5 kilos). It is also simple to assemble: the lateral arches act as a supporting structure on which to screw perfectly smooth colored support boards. It has a few screws and a screwdriver will be enough to mount it.
Design and safety. We give space to wood and its characteristics. The typical grain of birch is the ideal piece of furniture to create cheerful and serene play environments. The support tables can be of different colors, each with its own themes that recall the animal kingdom, or natural.
All corners and edges are rounded to prevent any kind of injury to the child.
Washable surfaces. We have treated the Balance & Bridge from the Wood for Kids line with a transparent and washable water-based varnish, so that the top can be cleaned with the most common detergent products and a soft cloth.
Build your own playground. The Balance & Bridge, together with the Pikler Triangle and the Ramp Slide, together form a fantastic path where you can play, rest, climb, hide and imagine fantastic worlds. You can choose a single style or combine different colors. All the products of the Wood for Kids are compatible with each other. You can buy the complete playground through the appropriate product sheet which can be consulted at its link.
Or add the slide triangle from its card.