Tower of Reflexes Original price was: € 48,00.Current price is: € 40,00.
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Pillars of Hercules


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SKU: CA114 Categories: , Tags: , ,

The Pillars of Hercules have always represented the border between the known world and the unknown.

The search for the solution requires calculation, skill and ingenuity.

It is a solitaire that will engage the mind in the search for the formula that will bring all the columns to have the same height.

Materials: beech wood

Dimensions: cm6x18x25

Additional information
Dimensions 18 × 6 × 25 cm

i Carlosauri


Questo gioco è un solitario (e come tutti i solitari si può fare anche insieme...)
Le Colonne d'Ercole hanno 12 cilindri di differenti altezze con i quali formare 3 colonne di pari altezza.
