Memo 10


SKU: CA10 Category: Tags: , ,

Memo10 is an educational game to train memory and familiarize yourself with arithmetic
Used in modern teaching and in pre-school age, it develops logical-mathematical aptitudes.
It requires great concentration and does not allow for distractions.
It is an exciting challenge without age limits and an intergenerational game, where the youngest are often the masters.

Materials: poplar and birch wood

Dimensions: cm15x15x2,5

It is played by 2 to 4 players. But in the teaching phase you can also play alone.
The game has 10 numbered checkers that are shuffled on the table with the number upside down.
You take turns discovering one pawn at a time trying to recompose the sequence from 1 to 10.
If you make a mistake, the pieces are flipped over and the turn passes.



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